TAPHALAW specializes in providing comprehensive legal consulting services to businesses and individuals. Our services are designed to function as an “outsourced legal department” for businesses and a “legal advisor” for individuals. We offer innovative and comprehensive legal advice across a wide range of business activities, including: business, trade, contracts, labor, investment, construction, real estate, import and export , intellectual property, logistics and business laws.
When clients choose this service, they enter into a regular legal consulting service contract with TAPHALAW. This contract outlines the specific tasks to be performed by our legal team and the payment terms, which can be monthly, quarterly, or annually.
TAPHALAW offers flexible consulting formats to meet clients’ needs, including:
– Direct Consulting: In-person consultations at the client’s office or TAPHALAW’s office.
– Online Consulting: Virtual consultations through online platforms.
– Combined Consulting: A combination of in-person and online consultations.